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Pauline Matier Southern Health & Social Care Trust Everyone has potential but sometimes we just don’t see it or feel it due to other pressures or barriers in our working environment. Coaching is a partnership to create a condition of self-awareness to recognise, tap into and maximise that potential to achieve our personal and professional goals through our own decisions and actions. No man is an island.
John Mc Cosker Western Health & Social Care Trust I believe coaching is a forward thinking, action orientated way of helping individuals and groups to be whole, creative and resourceful. My ethical perspective comes from a value base which is driven by respect, empathy and genuineness and one which fundamentally, has belief in the capacity for personal change at its core. Along with a firm belief that people are absolutely worth doing business with, I also believe that, as a coach, I need to challenge and be challenged in relation to thoughts, ideas and belief’s which are disempowering in nature and restrict the inherent potential in all of us.
Grainne McCann HSE West Grainne is not available at present to provide coaching.
Barry McGale Western Health & Social Care Trust Barry is no longer available to provide coaching.
John McGarvey Western Health & Social Care Trust My philosophy focuses on you maximising your own individual effectiveness by providing you with the space, time & environment that enables you to consider, analyse & explore the challenges which you believe are limiting your effectiveness or ability to achieve your aims and potential.
Claire McGinley HSCB / PHA / BSO In our time-poor lives, coaching is a valuable and natural opportunity to make space to explore those areas which we usually push back on. In doing so it supports the creation of a better understanding/awareness as to how we move them forward. Coaching is a positive partnership towards progress, progress as defined by you, the client. I have fully experienced the worth of coaching and the clearness that it can bring to something that is taking up too much of your head space, or the way that you can change your approach to release yourself from your own habits.
Michele McGirl HSE West What impresses me about the coaching process is the power it has to reveal new ways of thinking, tapping into resources to solve problems, and pinpointing and mapping concrete actions to achieve goals. My job as a coach is to support you to get clarity about what it is you want to achieve and how you want to go about getting the results you want.
Bronagh McKeown Southern Health & Social Care Trust Change is an inevitable and an evolving feature of our personal and working lives today. Coaching is a safe and confidential approach that allows us to focus on change at a personal,relationship, professional and /or organisational level. Coaching conversations facilitate opportunities for personal growth,choice and the development of self awareness. A coach empowers others to explore and say what they want and to remain focused in achieving their goals.
Winifred McNulty HSE West Coaching is the framework that helps us to explore what we could do, not what we should do, but what we are meant to do. What it is you truly want is the questions that coaching asks - if you know that you can work out the rest.
Jacqueline Morton Southern Health & Social Care Trust We will work together as equal partners exploring and reflecting on the issues you wish to discuss. We will agree how we will work together to enable you achieve your desired outcomes. I will facilitate you move forward by listening,questioning, reflecting, encouraging, challenging & supporting you. As a result of coaching you will increase your self awareness & confidence and unleash your potential to reach your goals.
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